Sunday 14th to Friday 19th of April
Spring Beach, Lutruwita/Tasmania
The Final Program Is Ready!
Spotlight Sessions

Tim Baker
SALTWATER THERAPY: How surfing and the ocean has helped me manage a stage four cancer diagnosis

Tanya Ginwala
Restor(y)ing our relationship with the natural world and the “outdoors” - a South Asian perspective
Session duration: 60 minutes

Luke Mabb
Decolonizing systems: Bringing an indigenous perspective into the health system

Kaydy-Moana Jones
Tai Mai, Tai Atu, Tae Ora: Tides of Ultimate Vitality
Session duration: 90 minutes

Set against the backdrop of beautiful Spring Beach in Lutruwita/Tasmania, Outdoor Health Forum 2024 invites diversity in age, gender, culture and identity.

After 21 years of national community gatherings, this is our first Outdoor Health Forum. The Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy has changed its name to Outdoor Health Australia to encompass a ‘larger tent’ for evidence-informed nature-based health services supporting wellbeing and healing for people from all walks of life.
Check out our About section for more about the wonderful Cultural Mentors and planning committee creating this years forum.
Registration includes
Discounts are available for AABAT/ OHA members. There are also students, unemployed & concession rates.

The Limited Edition Forum Tee has landed!
This Tee will be available to purchase at the Forum along with our new OHA Tee and Hoodie.